$10,000/Month – A Website’s Journey to a $10k/Month Powerhouse – Case Study Part 1

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Month 4 Month 5 Month 6


  • 🎯 Niche Selection is Crucial: Identifying a profitable niche with steady demand is foundational. Joey emphasizes doing extensive research to ensure the chosen niche can generate traffic and revenue.
  • 💡 Leverage Existing Resources: By purchasing an aged domain, Joey saves time on building backlinks and content from scratch, fast-tracking his progress towards monetization.
  • 📊 Balanced Traffic Approach: Combining paid and organic traffic strategies, Joey aims to maximize reach and revenue potential, recognizing that both sources can complement each other effectively.
  • 🛠️ Content Creation Strategy: Outsourcing content allows for quicker scaling and helps maintain quality, which is critical for SEO and user engagement.
  • 📈 Data-Driven Decisions: Utilizing tools like Google Ads and SEMrush, Joey analyzes keyword performance to inform his advertising and content strategies, ensuring he targets high-potential areas.
  • 🔄 Iterative Improvement Process: Joey’s commitment to regular updates reflects his understanding that flexibility and adaptation are key in digital marketing, allowing for adjustments based on performance data.
  • 🔍 Accountability through Documentation: By sharing his journey publicly, Joey not only holds himself accountable but also provides valuable insights for viewers looking to replicate his success in online ventures.

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transcript: hi there Joey babo here thanks for tuning in I’m super pumped to get started on this case study where I am going to document for the next several weeks how I flip and refurbish an old website that I recently purchased on Flippa it’s going to be a project taking this site from $0 to hopefully $10,000 or more per month I know it’s possible I’ve done it twice now with two different websites I’ve documented that both on the Powerhouse affiliate Channel as well as the day job hacks Channel and now I plan
to do this with a new project and for many of you watching you probably don’t know this but I also do offline real estate where I buy sometimes decrepit old houses and fix them up into a new property that is worth a lot more money while now we’re doing it online and I’ve decided in 2024 to take a break from offline real estate and all of that and to do this more focused on the internet this year so I thought it would be great to document this as a case study starting from scratch almost scratch I’m
you’re going to see here in a minute the website I’m going to talk about the data throughout this case study I’m going to be sharing everything all the steps I take all of the data all the ways I monetize this website and get traffic showing you paid and free traffic strategies it’s going to be a really fun project for me and hopefully all of the viewers out there are going going to enjoy this as well and learn something whether it be all of my mistakes or all of the good things that are working for
me you’re going to see it all and let’s get started so let’s get started the first thing I want to say is that I have fast-tracked this a little bit because I do have a budget that I can work with some people that are starting from scratch might think hey you know this going to take a lot longer but really I’m going to explain why that’s not always the case Okay so we’re going to get into my computer and I’m going to show some of the things that I’m doing right now where we’re going with this case study how it involves multiple
different facets of traffic and multiple revenue streams and where where it’s at currently and how much I’ve spent so let’s go in there now so here we are inside Powerhouse affiliate and and what you can see here is what I’m starting now is the first course of Powerhouse affiliate and it basically lays out the blueprint that that I’m going to be doing here um where you know you build a website you create something that is your own because that is important as an affiliate and it is actually the 0 to
$10,000 a month action plan and you can see all of the lessons over here I’m not going to obviously go into every single lesson today today but basically what I’m doing here over the course of this case study is showing the exact same things that I’m going to be doing that are in this course now of course we have other courses inside here that I’m also going to be implementing we’re going to be using paid traffic in this case study we’re also going to be using organic traffic showing the results of both
we’re also going to be using uh YouTube and video and Facebook social media all of these things are going to be part of this overarching strategy as we continue to build this so what I’ve done so far is I’ve kind of fast-tracked in the fact that inside the affiliate marketing course we talk about buying a domain name and creating a website and building out your content from scratch now that is fine and dandy if you are on a low budget or you have the time to build this out but for me I have capital and I
have money so I’m using resour resources that are available to me to do this faster and what I’m talking about here is a site like flipa so what I’ve decided to do is purchase a website from flipa this allows me to FastTrack basically skipping the process of Aging a domain building a bunch of backlinks building a bunch of content of course again you can do that manually but you can also buy aged domains from places like this there’s other places you can do that as well well you just go on Google and search for age domains with
backlinks you’ll find thousands of places that you can buy these things but basically you can come into flipa and you can start browsing you see some sites are selling here for all for millions of dollars but you can set up filters here and you can start browsing and basically what I did first before we even got to purchasing this website um the the price I paid for the website was $3,000 I’m going to show you some of the data around that website here in a second but I paid $3,000 for a website in the
niche and the reason why is because it’s actually in the niche I’ve chosen I didn’t just come here and start randomly picking a website I actually chose the niche first did a bunch of research using our tools inside Powerhouse affiliate including the customer Avatar worksheet this is the customer Avatar worksheet I’ve talked about it on this channel before there’s a link down in the description but basically it is a breakdown of the audience I am actually looking to be uh targeting in all of this I’m solving problems for a
particular audience I’ve picked my Niche I’ve done all of the research in fact I’ve gone through the steps that we highlight in the course where we check first is it trending well it is trending this is over the last 5 years it is not going down it is actually a fairly steady Niche this Niche that I’m choosing is a niche topic that is in one of the top three that I speak about all the time which is money and wealth health and relation or health and wellness or love and relationships it is in one of those three I’m not going to
tell the exact Niche because that’ll actually skew some of the results as we continue forward in this case study but I know for a fact it is a niche that makes money and I know it has traffic how do I know that I’ve done more research and I’ll show you some of the research I’ve done part of the research involves checking to see if there are a lot of search is because I love search traffic and we’ll be focusing a lot on SEO search traffic and paid search traffic keep in mind I don’t expect SEO to be the main driver of income for this
project okay while there will be lots of organic traffic there is going to also be an equal or more amount of paid traffic during this project and basically what I’ve found through my research is in fact there is a lot of traffic available for a low price and that is one of the key metrics that I like to look for when I’m picking my Niche for a project or a business that I want to build uh around a particular Niche so as you can see here this is using the Google ads tool it is a keyword research tool and you can see
that top of page bid low range ranges anywhere from 8 cents to a do 50 uh with thousands of searches per month uh in the us alone now this is something I’m going to be focusing heavily on the United States because a lot of the affiliate offers that I’ve already done research on are in the United States um so I’m going to be focusing on the US for this project and but it doesn’t mean that I can’t monetize the website around the world but a lot of the paid ads will be in the United States so it’s good to see that
the low cost per click for the top of page range is is there and in the thousands of clicks and this is just one keyword idea I searched for this particular Niche and another piece of uh research I’ve done is the sem Rush tool to see if it’s possible to rank these types of keywords and inside sem Rush again choosing just one broad Topic in this niche you can see here the keyword difficulty for for this one is pretty low below 30 on a lot of these terms uh mind you the search volume on these low
key key difficulty keyword difficulty terms so far is low like a th per month I’m going to be looking for more keywords but I know they’re available with high search volume and low keyword difficulty meaning I’ll easily be able to rank on the first page of Google using the traffic sources like uh social media and YouTube to to help boost the rankings and get to the top of these results quickly so I I really feel confident that this is a good Niche so far and doing some of the customer research for the customer Avatar I’m
going to dive into that more in our next uh follow-up videos in this case study I’m going to update this at least twice a month on YouTube so keep in mind you’re going to see everything I’m doing along the way to try and get this to $10,000 profit per month um there will be email list building there will be paid ads to those funnels and there’ll be paid ads to actual landing pages with affiliate offers so one of the tools I’m using right now to kind of structure and I’m going to show you again what I got for
my money from flipa but in a second and what I plan on doing here is taking the website I got from Flippa and kind of re furbishing it uh that is a process in itself and it’s not something we cover inside the PowerHouse affiliate course but all of the steps leading up to building your website would mean that you don’t have to refurbish your website because you built it from scratch in this case I’m going to have to take this website that is old uh a lot of the content’s probably stale a lot of the
content probably has to be removed so there’s a little bit of work involved just in getting this back to a website with five key pillars that I’ve already done the research on by the way I have five main areas of focus which are kind of like angles and each of these are going to be pillars meaning it’s going to be I’m going to build a landing page for each of these pillars and each landing page is going to be promoting the same affiliate products and just on different angles for this Niche so B
basically uh these will be highly uh researched and and marketable landing pages that I can pay for clicks to and hopefully earn a profit right out of the gates to these pillar landing pages so there’s going to be five landing pages I might have to test some over time but they will become the actual pillars for the SEO component of this project and at which point content will be created whether through a paid um helper which I’ll likely Outsource this because I do have the budget um to to Outsource
content within each pillar the traffic that I plan on using for this uh the paid traffic at least will be through Google and Bing so I’ll be buying traffic immediately once the site has been fixed up a bit and we’ll immediately start testing these landing pages and angles that already show some signs of potential because when I looked at the data there are some searches already being done on Google for this website that I purchased so everything is going to line up and I am confident it’s going to do do to do well the other
part of this will come later maybe in month two or month three where I start to either Outsource or or have yeah it’ll be outsourced again a faceless YouTube component to this so actually good videos not spammy AI videos these are going to be videos created that will help complement not only the F the pillars but as content is created in these there will be video to that so there will be video and text and that’s going to help boost the social uh traffic it’s going to help get these posts in the search engines and YouTube
also pays well I’ve shown that in the last video I did last week on how I’ve taken this this YouTube channel to over $10,000 a month in just sales um and not including affiliate commissions and promotions of other companies that reach out so there are a lots of opportunities in just adding YouTube to this overarching strategy and then we’re going to we’re going to get into Facebook and doing paid ads again to these pillar landing pages but at the same time probably introduce a lead funnel in here at some point um and
start collecting emails all of this the data you’re going to see in the next few videos or the next few months we’re going to say I’m going to try and update this all the time I’m going to show my expenses what I’m paying how I’m getting people to work for me what kind of uh steps are being taken to Outsource the Articles and also in in terms of Articles themselves I plan on also Outsourcing somebody to use medium to also boost some of the uh content to link back to the website so we’re going to be doing back links we’re going to be
doing content on other platforms some PR out there we’re going to be doing U articles like that and yeah this is going to be great I’m I’m super pumped to get this going and if you’re if you’re looking for proof that this stuff works then this this case study should really be beneficial uh so let’s look at the the website itself for for $3,000 I did some research on similar web before I purchased this website now the first thing I did when I went to look for the website is I went and brought the domain up in similar SAR web
and similar web is actually completely wrong here on the traffic for this site somehow it’s been skewed I don’t know how maybe the person selling it was kind of messing around but who knows but basically it says there’s 31,000 total visits in the last 3 months but when I look at the search console results for the same website you can see here that in fact there’s only been about 387 Clicks in the last last three months so there’s a big skew here so maybe similar web is picking up all the bot traffic or something there’s Bots coming
to this website or um I don’t know but in terms of search traffic this is organic search console results here it’s showing that there were about 25,000 Impressions so about 10,000 Impressions per month with about 120 visitors per month so a little head start and to get to this I mean it’s going to take a lot of work to get to that point so while I might have overpaid or underpaid it doesn’t really matter I I spent the money to get the age domain to get some traction here in the niche that I’ve chosen and now I
need to start working with this to improve those numbers so this is kind of showing you the Baseline where we’re at right now in February and hopefully by September we see some really good results here whether it’s through search console or through just my paid ad campaigns we’re going to install some ads uh no no sorry we’re going to install some analytics on there to kind of watch the growth and hopefully get this to a point where it’s worth a lot more than $3,000 and I can maybe resell it on Flippa for much more
showing profitability uh coming in after so many months now again I I’m hopeful that we’ll get to the 10,000 Mark $10,000 a month Mark in six months but of course this isn’t a guarantee this is me doing my best to try and accomplish that and I’m going to document this and the reason why I’m doing this is not only to keep myself accountable but to also show people through this channel the reality of taking a website from zero or close to zero here this isn’t really good 100 people a month to hopefully tens of thousands of people
per month I hope you’re as excited as I am to get this started and each week for now I’m going to be doing an update on this so stay tuned for next week when I do another update as to what’s been accomplished over the course of the last week what has improved where we’re going with this and within two weeks I hope to have some Revenue coming in on this immediately with paid ads as well as you know some SEO that’s already there I’m going to look at the pages that are already getting a little bit of traction
and I’m going to monetize those immediately with some affiliate offers and see if we can start earning right away with this website okay if you have any questions comments or anything else that you want to talk about please use the comments and we’ll see you next week

Mxney Hacker
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